Summer feet are causing a bit of concern for patients lately as I am seeing several people who have fungal nail issues that have been plaguing them for years. Often they have tried every form of antifungal treatment they can get their hands on at the chemist, to no avail. Sometimes in desperation, they ask one of our doctors, or surf the net. Fortunately, they find something about laser therapy for the condition. So, they finally end up in my office.
How to Treat with Laser
The first thing I do is take a look and see what I am up against. I explain the issue is called onychomycosis which is just a fancy name for fungal nails. I give them some information about washing socks and drying them and changing shoes. Sometimes there looks like there is a bit of cross infection to the skin which may need treatment also.
Pre- Treatment By Podiatrist
Often the condition has been around so long that the nail has become thickened. Usually I send people off to see our lovely podiatrist, Cameron Patterson, to tidy up their nails by debriding them prior to our laser treatment. This is necessary, as laser can only penetrate so deeply, so that by debriding them the nail plate is thinned and increases the likelihood of success with the treatment. Cameron charges around $60 and people love their feet immediately just from that treatment.
Laser Protocol
We then proceed with laser consent and book for 4 separate treatments, a week apart. Due to the length of time it takes for the nail to grow, the end result is not usually known for around 5-6 months, but normally, you can see the nail health improving in a few weeks and there is hope and a smile from the patient!! Each treatment takes around 10 minutes and costs $100 per session- total $400 for 4 sessions. Depending on each individual case, one round often works, rarely 2 or even 3 rounds may be needed. This is not the norm, but some cases can be severe or get reinfected from the environment. So, if you would like to book in for a consultation just call 38015824 and ask for a fungal nail consultation.

Before and after laser treatments